Enrolling in college is an exciting step into your future, however, for many the expense of college can be challenging. Applying for federal financial aid, grants, and scholarships might seem like a daunting task with multiple steps, but help is right here!
Remember: if you have questions at any time, our admissions and financial aid advisors would be happy to help – simply call, email, or stop in.
- Complete the free application for student aid, also known as the FAFSA.
The application opens up annually on October 1st – so you can apply EARLY every year! You can prepare for school a whole year before you come.
- Complete the NIACC Foundation Scholarship Application, which allows you to apply for all of the variety of scholarships with just ONE application.
NOTE: You must apply to NIACC before you can apply for Foundation Scholarships.
- Apply for outside scholarships.
From your high school, your community, your church, your parent’s employers, your future employer!
Keep these Pro Tips in mind as you work your way through applications:
PRO TIP #1: The FAFSA covers your application for all Federal grants, loans and the work study program.
PRO TIP #2: Aim to complete these items prior to June 30; this date has historically been the deadline for funding allocated from the state of Iowa; primarily for career and technical programs.
PRO TIP #3: Although there truly is no deadline; there is a priority date for certain types of financial aid, so the sooner you file, the better.
PRO TIP #4: Most schools have priority filing dates for scholarships and grants, NIACC’s priority date is March 1.
PRO TIP #5: BUT – even though you may have missed NIACC’s priority filing date this time the NIACC Foundation Scholarship continues to award scholarship funds after the priority date – so complete the scholarship applications no matter what date you file!
PRO TIP #6: NIACC awards more than $1.7 million annually!
PRO TIP #7: Look online! Tools such as Fastweb.com, or Scholarships.com provide additional scholarship options.
PRO TIP #8: Compile all of your financial aid and develop a budget as a team with your parents or partner. Use the net price calculator to help you maneuver through this conversation!
NIACC offers a variety of free tuition programs, some of which have deadlines right around the corner. These programs can offer support outside of tuition expenses in some cases – just ask, that is what we are here for!
The NIACC financial aid office is open during the summer months to help you; don’t leave free money on the table – if you don’t apply, someone else will!
RECENT GRADUATE BONUS PRO TIP: Learn more about how to manage your student loans after graduation from Abbie Steinberg, Director of Financial Aid Student Services at NIACC, in her recent interview with J. Brooks.
Are you interested in attending NIACC? Apply Today!