Student pondering her future education
Your Future

Exploring Your Options: Develop. Connect. Identify.

A Real-Life Example by Rachel Smith

It is estimated that anywhere between 20 and 50 percent of students enter college undecided.  At many institutions, students have access to a wealth of resources they can use to narrow down a major. 

Once you decide, however, doesn’t always mean your life is set in stone. 

Almost 75% of people who have graduated from college report having changed their major at least once. 

And guess what… it’s OKAY!

Being undecided simply means you have yet to find what sparks a passion inside of you.  Students who aren’t sure of their career pathway should take time to reflect on their personality, interests, values and academic strengths.  Then, it’s always good to talk with trusted adults – parents, teachers, counselors – about how these traits could translate into a future career. 

You may love to do something, but not even know how they ways it could be utilized in the workforce. 

This is why if ever there was a campus visit to mark yourself as ‘going’ – this is THE ONE!  Scheduled for March 24th at 9:00AM in the Stoltenberg Forum/Beem Center 200, this session is designed for those struggling to find their place.  The ones who are unsure where they want to go or what they want to do in life.  This spotlight is a great way to connect and find where your passion lies as you identify new ideas and unexpected career paths. 

Being unsure is more common that you maybe realize. 

In the fall of 1999, I enrolled at NIACC for my freshman year.  I started as a business major, changed to a psychology major, decided I wanted to be a college band instructor at one point, and then ended the year back in business classes. 

Thankfully, I had the summer to pull myself together a bit. 

Except it didn’t really work that way.  I started my sophomore year with grand plans to be a college professor myself, changed back to business mid-year, and ended my college experience at NIACC with “transfer student” as my focus. 

It was at that time I utilized the many resources NIACC had to offer to truly find my passion in lifeMy counselor helped me find where I excelled, and where I struggled, helping me gain focus on discovering something just right. 

Rachel Smith, Clear Lake, Iowa

Upon graduation, I transferred to the University of Northern Iowa where I found a passion for public relations and marketing.  I spent the next three years obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Communications with a minor in marketing. 

If you’re struggling, it’s okay.  No one expects you to have all the answers immediately.  Maybe you need to dip your toes in the water across the board of possibilities in order to find where you want to dive in. 

Work with an Academic Advisor to help develop a plan.  They know the ins and outs of what is available and how to navigate your way through the classes.  It also helps to find a sense of belonging on campus.  Join a group or organization, connect with others in the dorms or throughout classes or extra-curricular activities.  The more people you meet, the more you’ll submerge yourself into the college experience.  Which, in turn, will help you find your path. 

Lastly, talk to professors and advisors about the many types of careers out there.  Trust me, there are jobs you may have never even heard of before that could be the perfect fit for you.  Learn about them.  Soak up every bit of knowledge you can.  If you’re unsure what your future holds – don’t worry about it!  Many students are in the same boat.  Come to the campus spotlight.  It’s a great way to connect with NIACC and take the first step on your path to success.

To learn more about campus visits and becoming a NIACC Trojan, go to Campus Visit. See the Campus Tours Page for all the visit options.

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Exploring Your Options: Develop. Connect. Identify.
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